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The latest Contests
・LSI Design Contest 2017Past LSI Design Contests
・LSI Design Contest 2016・LSI Design Contest 2015
・LSI Design Contest 2014
・LSI Design Contest 2013
・LSI Design Contest 2012
・LSI Design Contest 2011
・LSI Design Contest 2010
・LSI Design Contest 2009
・LSI Design Contest 2008
・LSI Design Contest 2007
・LSI Design Contest 2006
・LSI Design Contest 2005
・LSI Design Contest 2004
・LSI Design Contest 2003

ENJOY HDL! Let's meet in Okinawa!
Guidelines for applicants
- Design Specification
- Who can join : the team of 1-3 University or college students.
- A necessary matter is described, and Mail Sending in the following acceptance addresses.
- How to submit report (Important information)
- The final report deadline :2011/Jan/28th
EMAIL : support@LSI-contest.com
Suggestion from judges
- We try to evaluate not only the speed and the area, but also your idea ,originality, uniqueness. But be sure to remember that we are not perfect, please make a good presentation to appeal us.
- We definitely take your school grade into account.
- We like fun ideas. Please do something different from others.
- Name : The Department of Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus
- Date : 2011/March/18th
- Place : The Department of Information Engineering,University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbara, Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan
LSI Contest Executive Committee
- Contest General Chair
Prof. Hiroshi Ochi
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
E-mail:ochi@cse.kyutech.ac.jp Tel: +81-0948-29-7692 - Contest Judge Member Chair
Prof. Kazuhisa Wada
University of the Ryukyus, Japan - Executive Committee: LSI Design Contest Committee
- Partner Organization: University of the Ryukyus, Kyushu Institute of Technology,
Frontier Region of Multimedia Okinawa Initiative,
IEICE Smart Info-media Systems Technical Group
LLP Embedded Technology Promotion Project - Sponsor: Xilinx,Inc., Radrix co.Ltd., Tokyo Electron Device LTD., Nihon Synopsys G.K.
ROHM Co.,Ltd., Renesas Electronics Corp. - Supporting Organization: Okinawa National College of Technology, CQ Publishing Co.,Ltd.
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