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Contest Result
1st Prize (IEICE Smart Infomedia System Award)
Institute Teknologi Bandung, Team Garuda Parahyangan
Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Garuda Parahyangan Team
Oky Firmansyah
Andry Ongkinata
Bagus Prasetyo W
1st Prize (Semiconductor Industry Newspaper Award: LSI of the Year for Student)
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Team CREW-ITB
Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Team CREW-ITB
Iput Heri K
Asep Bagja N
Randy Saut P
2nd Prize (Xilinx Award)
Hiroshima Univercity, Team Hamlet-Commune
Kamata Yuki
Kawakami Kensuke
Shigemoto Kouzi
2nd Prize (Renesas Technology Award)
Tiba Univercity, Team Hitori
Tanaka Shinziro
Ryukyu University, Department of Information Science Award
@Ryukyu Univercity, Team Male and Female
Kinjo Yuu, Kobashigawa Shun, Yamauchi Ryozi
ARyukyu Univercity, Team30yen investment
Akamine Hiroki, Chinen Eisaku